
Bing Chiu Dempewolf  worked on the TAI-CHI Consulting (TAI-CHI) concept for several years before launching the company. Bing has over 30 years experience in Business and Human Resources (HR). She has first-hand knowledge of the difficulties in finding, hiring, motivating, managing and retaining good employees. For years she has been encouraged to create a company that showcases her unique style of career “options” coaching, her ability to find quality talent, and her desire to “make a difference” in people’s lives.

The task of finding the “right” people for an organization has changed over the years and obtaining great talent has become extremely competitive. TAI-CHI fundamentally bases its approach on proactive, high energy and creative solutions to human capital management.

We engage candidates who come through our doors using employee-oriented business practices that are unique to the industry. Through our Vision, Mission, and commitment, we are setting new standards of excellence. Our leaders want to impact the workforce and engage not only the experienced professionals, but also create jobs for those that need a little extra help.

TAI-CHI focuses on Veterans leaving the military to join the civilian workforce, students who want to develop work-related experiences that complement their education, workers-in-transition who need career coaching and counseling, and disadvantaged workers who are trying to find employment again.

TAI-CHI’s story is being written every day and in ways that amaze the most hardened professionals. The best part of our story is that we encourage everyone to join our journey and set new standards for bridging the gap between professionals and the workplace.